Friday, July 10, 2009

Veggies at the Garden Center

We are growing our own tomatoes here at Parkers. Soon we will be able to offer them for sale - fresh, just off the vine.

Is this something that interests you?
Would you be interested in other fruits and vegetables if we were to partner with a local farmer? How about baked goods?

Let us know what you think we should offer. This is really something we would like to pursue but we want to make sure that we have the right mix.


  1. It would be good to get a vegetable growing class. A very beginner class. You probably do this and I just missed it.

  2. Actually, that was part of our library lecture series this year but we will definitely offer it for our Saturday afternoon series next year.

  3. How about starting a community supported agriculture program? Westfield has been running a program and it sells out. More info can be obtained at Click on NJ and you will see the towns running this program.

  4. Thank you for the information! I am going to look into this right now.
