Friday, October 2, 2009

Spring Blooming Bulbs!

Gardening: Planting Spring-Blooming Bulbs
Parker Gardens
1325 Terrill Rd, Scotch Plains

We enjoy the flowers in the spring, but the time to plant is now.
By Tracy A. Smith
September 19, 2009

While most people of Scotch Plains and Fanwood probably think of spring when looking at tulips, daffodils, crocus, hyacinth, and the plethora of other March and April blooming bulb plants, it is important to know that fall is the time to plant the bulbs in order to enjoy those cheery, colorful, and aromatic blossoms next year.

Fresh bulbs are now available for purchase. They should go into the ground shortly after buying them to ensure that they do not dry out. When buying bulbs, look for healthy specimens. They should feel solid when you pick them up. Avoid any with soft spots, mold, or bruises.


Many of us in Scotch Plains and Fanwood have to deal with clay soil. Be sure to add plenty of sphagnum peat moss, compost, and sand so air and water can move through the soil easily.

Each type of bulb has a different planting depth so be sure to read the label of each package that you buy. If you become confused by which end goes up, the pointy end goes upwards and the either flattened end or fatter end is the bottom.

Treat bulbs with rodent repellents to keep squirrels, voles, mice, etc. from scampering off with your freshly planted flowers. Add fertilizers such as bulb-tone mixed with bonemeal for the heartiest spring color displays. Spring bulbs do not benefit by being fertilized during or after blooming. The time to fertilize is at planting and then in the subsequent autumns that follow.

Water bulbs thoroughly after planting and then let Mother Nature take over from there.

Bulbs are an excellent choice for our area. Because many of the spring blooming bulbs will perform whether planted in full sun or in wooded areas, we can all benefit from their beauty.

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