Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Winter Bird Feeding

Now that winter is upon us, I would like to remind everyone to remember their feathered friends during these long, cold winter months. Bird feeding has become one of the most popular interactions with wildlife, and it is easy to understand its popularity. The ability to give back to nature while reaping the education and entertainment of watching the daily habits of these backyard creatures is immensely satisfying.

But there are some things to keep in mind with these freezing temperatures we've been having as of late. One is a water source. With these freezing temperatures, much of the available water for birds is becoming frozen. This is why it's best to keep a fresh water source available for them. This may require the need to have two containers available. Place one outdoors for the current day's use. Replace it with the second container the following morning and allow the original to thaw

Different types of seed as well as various feeders can also be used to attract a variety of birds.

Feeders range from tube to suet to ground feeders and platform feeders; feeders should be placed at varying heights to accommodate different birds. Platform feeders attract larger birds like cardinals, wrens, and jays while tube feeders are best for chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, and finches.

Food high in calories such as suet and oil sunflower mixes are good for winter. When buying a seed mix, avoid those with a high content of agricultural grains. These include wheat, oats, red millet, and milo. While it may look as though you are purchasing a lot of seed, much of it will go uneaten and simply fall to the ground, eventually spoiling or even attracting unwanted rodents.

While feeding the birds is a great source of enjoyment, please keep in mind that once you begin to offer a supply of winter nourishment, it should be done with daily diligence. The birds will come to rely upon the feeders.

Attracting birds is an activity to be enjoyed regardless of the size of your property here in town. Providing food, water, and shelter will increase not only the number of birds that visit, but the diversity as well.

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